Friday, May 18, 2018

Hello Mars

Hello Mars
Type: Landing on Mars, Roving the surface movie/game
Image Quality: Lower resolution, but still impressive
Scale: Good
Length: Short - Medium

This is lower resolution than I would like, but the descent to Mars is an impressive and powerful little movie well worth the time and cost. The colors, sound and feeling of the event are all impressively captured and the descent almost feels like it could be real. It reminds me of the old days of computers and watching an awesome 240 x 320 and wishing it was 480 x 640. Up the resolution by four and this would be one of the most impressive things on the Go.

There is also a fun gamish bit where you try to land the rover in a simulator. I never landed it but I had fun blowing it up. There is also a nice but again lower rez bit where you try your hand and moving the rover about.

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