Monday, June 11, 2018

The Go Historian

There are a number of great experiances about history on the Go. Here are some of them sorted by time period. Note than some apps have experiences set in different time periods.

Pre-history  (25,000 BC - 10,000):
Live the Past - Explore a Prehistorical Cave

Agricultural Times (10,000-5,000BC)
Live the Past - Explore a Protohistorical Town
Unimersiv - Stonehenge

Greek Times (800-300BC)
Unimersiv - Explore the Acropolis, less graphical than Athen in VR, good tour

Roman Times (300BC-500AD)
Athens in VR - Athens in the year 0, large exploration area
Unimersiv - Tour Rome
Live in the Past - Explore a Spanish town in Roman times.

China (wide range of history)
Mysteries of China: The Forbidden City
Mysteries of China: The Great Wall

Friday, June 1, 2018

What's in there - Amaze

Amaze is a free app with something like 150 videos, most in 3D stereo. You can stream or download with download looking a bit better. Still the streaming isn't bad. Some videos do jerk a bit especially on motion and I suspect they were shot at 30 or even 24 fps. The travel events in particular have some real gems.

Travel & Events Category

Good Travel

Three segments touring Cuba which total 20 plus minutes. These are fairly nice 3D videos. There was some flickering and I think one eyes was just a bit fuzzy. Still enjoyable and interesting walk around various bit of the island with two guides and meeting one funky artist.

Everest Base Camp: Who knew that getting to Everest base camp was a week long endeavor.  Very nice 11 minute video with an entertaining guide and excellent footage. I'm a bit worn out just from watching the film. There is also a 2.5 minute non-narrated music video montage thingie if you can't sit through the longer film.

Lantern Festival: From the same guy a short, fun video about lighting lantern kites at a California event and letting them fly away. Hopefully not near California forests...

Philly and San Fran videos are short walks through the respective towns from the same guy who does most of the good travel videos for Amaze listed so far. He seems to by named Ernest and he did a really nice job on all these travel videos.

Lassen Volcanic National Park is a lovely park video made by the rangers. In the past I've seen some not so great park videos, but this is the real deal. It is a beautiful seven and a half minute film. Well the last bit might be an acquired taste!

Magic Metamorphosis is a 7 minute romp at an LA magic club with lots of craziness and the stunt for which the clip is named at the center of the madness. I have a soft spot in my head for magic. Hum that may have come out wrong. Anyway this was a solid and fun little bit of magic. Well filmed.

Magic in Heels. If you like up close, small magic tricks give these two videos a look. They total about 18 minutes and are solid stereo 3D. The magic is nice if basic and the young lady is pretty.  What more could you ask for.

Korean Folk Show is a simple but well produced song video with clever use of lighting. The two instruments are a sort of drum and a stringed instrument that looked something like the huge fretboard of a guitar and nothing else. For more of the same culture see Korean Folk Dance replete with head ribbon spinning and percussion.

Street Meet LA feels even more foreign than the shows on Korean culture at least when you live in middle America. Lots of smoke, models and a death mask. California.

Sahara Desert has a lot of camel riding, eating and music packed into 3 minutes. It is interesting how immersed you can get into another culture in only a few minutes in VR. I know I keep saying this, but another nicely done video.

Going to a nightclub and hanging out at the beach with some buddies and getting people to ride unicycles are the last two videos. Not my thing, but semi-interesting. Watch out for those flashing nightclub lights.

Not So Good Travel

The various short Playlist Live videos, AIA Red Carpet and Rolling Stone Party are all sort of behind the scenes celebrity culture things. Just not my thing. All seemed to have some problems where I closed one eye at times. The IPD seemed to shift or something and sometimes one eye felt blurry. Also the camera is often too close to the subject. Avoid unless you love quasi celebrities. No live music at the music events due to licensing I'm sure.

Hike with an Instagram model is mostly about checking out the model on a brief hike and mediation..

Rebuild Puerto Rico is a nice idea, but 2D video, no thanks.

If seeing them at Starbucks spread across three tables isn't enough you can get the 'franchise experience' in your own home at a franchising convention with more ego-maniacal liars per square meter than Congress. I watched 15 seconds, suppressed a gag reflex and moved on.

Dining Category

Bugs and Wine Tasting is about as bizarre as dining gets I suppose. Probably a second date meal, not for the first date. This one is well over 10 minutes and i must admit I skimmed it. Actually pretty entertaining host and wine bar employees. If you enjoyed the old TV show where they made people eat bugs, then this is for you. The video seemed a bit off for me and I had to close one eye.

Korean food is explored by our old buddy from the travel section and is quite interesting. Eating rare squid makes for memorable film. The market with all the live fish and sea creatures was quite an eye opener. Solid video. Meanwhile Koreatown LA is an interesting 8 minutes of eating commentary from a different guide / comedian who has lots of fun and explains the various meats, picked and fermented items.

JDub's Brewery Tours is a wander around through the eat establishment / brewery with lots of out door games. This one seemed to give my eyes some trouble and I had to close one eye.

Around the world at Epcot looks like a nice over 15 minute tour through the eateries at Epcot, but I felt my eyes cross immediately and even trying to view with one eye was uncomfortable. I'm not sure why so many videos in the dining category are giving me eye issues.

Dining with a Maxim model is one of the rare 2D videos, so no thanks.

The Experimental Category is as odd as you would expect. Six of the videos are things like people spray painting a sphere over a camera, a bizarre art thing about a lady giant and more. There are two great videos however. The first is a ride through fractal space that feels like something Gene Rodenberry might have come up with as a voyage for the Starship Enterpoop if he had been overly medicated. The other has half a dozen crazy science experiments that have to be seen to be believed.

The Horror Category is not for me, I don't do horror, other than some of the dining videos, so you are on your won. 3 videos, 20 minutes someone leave a comment about how the films look.

The Magga Bracco Category features the pretty Venezuelan dancer in 45 minutes of videos where she dances and chats. Some of the videos can be a bit too close and feel like the scale is too small. Still if you like attractive vivacious ladies, you will appreciate this category. Oh, and as you always should be, if you meet Ms. Bracco in person be polite, she is a proficient boxer.

The Pole Dance Category is definitely the adult side of Amaze. Think burlesque with strippers poles for about an hours worth of videos from the LA Pole Show. Quite a few performances and some behind the scenes videos. Lots of girls, and a few guys, dancing in their underwear showing lots of leg and plenty of buns on stage with various lighting effects. There are also so more stripper pole dances in swimwear.

The Fashion Category has 5 mostly brief videos with a beautiful Maxim model giving you the girlfriend experience and chatting, a pretty girl modeling swimwear, a behind the scenes look at a fashion show and a jerky video about a community project.

The Amaze Category has three thirty second intro videos that are all similar and a three minute best of 2017. There are also two Rejection / Dating Simulator videos. Pretty girl turns you down unless you pick the right answer out of three. Did surprisingly little for my self esteem.

Floor Plan

Floor Plan
Image Quality: Decent
Scale: Good
Length: Medium

This is a fun little adventure in an elevator game. It took me about an hour to finish it, though I'm a bit slow on some games. The graphics are cute though not exactly cutting edge. There are some clever puzzles.

The Go Historian

There are a number of great experiances about history on the Go. Here are some of them sorted by time period. Note than some apps have exper...